Wingsmith Consulting Logo

Wingsmith Consulting Los Angeles, California
CONSULTANT (January 2000 - Present)

Technical Support: Onsite consulting at client's home or office. Troubleshoot and repair IOS, Android, PC and Mac hardware, software, and network problems. Recommend IOS, Android, PC and Mac hardware and software purchases. Set up phones, tablets, networks, printers and scanners. Install WiFi routers, switches, repeaters, extenders, and IP camera systems. Install system software, business applications, graphic applications, and databases. Train clients on general computer use, maintaining personal security while online and with social media, the importance of backups, and power user tips and tricks.

Web Developer: Web design and coding for private and corporate clients. Conceive original website designs and designs derived from company logos and advertising. Conceptualize overall theme, design appropriate GIF/JPEG/PNG graphics and media using HTML5 and CSS3. Implement interactive elements using Javascript and DHTML, and design animation using MacroMedia Flash. Write CGI scripts to gather feedback and customer information for listservers. Maintain website content for currency to encourage repeat visits. Skills: HTML 5 (including DHTML, HDML, and XHTML), Javascript, CSS3, XML, and CGI (using PERL and PHP/mySQL).

MetaWire Logo

MetaWire Hollywood, California
ISP OPERATIONS (October 1997 - January 2000)

Technical Support: ISP sales and customer support, Help Desk phone support, onsite installation of high speed Internet access (ADSL, ISDN, Frame Relay, T1 and wireless). Configured routers, switches, and bridges. Configured customer workstations for TCP/IP and email. Diagnosed and repaired Ethernet network problems. Performed server backups. Negotiated product provisioning from telcos.

Web Developer: Installed and administered colocated servers for corporate clients. Managed Apache Web servers running on Linux and OS X (Rhapsody) servers. Wrote Perl CGI scripts.

CyberStudios Logo

CyberStudios Culver City, California
MIS DIRECTOR (October 1996 - October 1997)

IT Management: Managed systems support and network administration. Upgraded pre-existing Appletalk LAN to mixed platform internetwork with NT Servers, PC/Mac workstations, and T1 Internet. Constructed network and Internet access for CyberStudios Expo trade show. Created FileMaker databases. Developed presentations using Photoshop and Powerpoint.

Web Developer: Technical director for one of the original Internet incubator companies. Provided technical management for projects in development. Constructed a web development suite utilizing PC workstations with Visual InterDev accessing Microsoft Internet Information Services web servers on NT. Technical lead for the Wedding411.Com project group. Coded CyberStudios company web site and several prototype web sites for analysis purposes. Interviewed web developers to provide technical analysis for proposed websites and portals.

Hollywood Reporter Logo

The Hollywood Reporter Los Angeles, California
MIS DIRECTOR (April 1996 - October 1996)

IT Management: Established first MIS department for The Hollywood Reporter. Managed five man department, budgeted salaries and equipment expenditures, hired personnel, and directed consultants. Main project was to manage transition from Atex based advertising system to Macintosh based QuarkExpress/Baseview database publishing system - without missing a deadline. Attended company staff meetings to provide creative technical solutions for individual department projects. Initiated ISDN remote access to send digital photographs from important industry events to The Hollywood Reporter. Revised network administration procedures and backup policies. Managed newswire services.

Technical Support: Responsible for daily support of over 250 PC and Macintosh workstations for the BPI Communications Group office in Los Angeles (The Hollywood Reporter, Billboard, Ad Week, Music City News, and other publications). Provided heavy support for QuarkExpress publishing system at The Hollywood Reporter newspaper. Trained advertising sales staff in Macintosh and the Baseview advertising database. Managed backup policies. Diagnosed and repaired PC/Mac hardware and software problems. Managed remote access systems for writers and photographers from various national and international locations.

AFI Logo

The American Film Institute Los Angeles, California
DIRECTOR OF TECHNOLOGY (November 1992 - April 1996)

IT Management: Provided technical support for over 200 Macintosh workstations, file and database servers plus subsidiary SGI and Wintel platforms. Managed and provided technical support for staff, faculty and students. Technical director of AFI Apple Lab for New Media. Converted single building LocalTalk network to Ethernet network for the entire campus encompassing five buildings using Apple, Cisco, other routers and bridges, fiber-optic backbones, and a 12 port 10/100T switch. Administered T1 line for Pac Bell Media Park network experiment. Campus Apple Representative for sales and support of Apple product. Ordered, serviced, supported, and installed all networks, computers, hard drives, and software. Set up QuickMail e-mail gateway to connect AFI Washington DC campus with AFI Los Angeles campus. Taught classes on Macintosh use. Constructed First Class remote access bulletin board/chat system for students and teachers. Participated in advertising campaign for QuickMail (see home page).

Web Developer: Bootstrapped AFI into the Internet age. Applied for and received National Science Foundation grant for campus-wide Ethernet construction and establishment of T1 Internet access. Contracted Cerfnet to establish the first domain presence. Constructed phase one of the AFI website using WebSTAR server. Established email services for the campus using AIMS. Coded the original AFI web site.

Spectrum HoloByte

Spectrum HoloByte Alameda, California

Technical Support: Technical Support Representative for a variety of entertainment software products including Falcon, Tetris, Welltris, Super Tetris, Operation: Fighting Tiger, Falcon Mission Disks, Wordtris, Flight of the Intruder, Stunt Driver, Vette!, and Faces. Platforms supported included Windows, DOS, PS/2, Amiga, Atari, and Macintosh. Senior Macintosh support expert for the company. Sysop for Spectrum HoloByte on the America Online service. Specialist in hardware and software incompatibility and memory management issues. Software quality assurance tester for several products.

Wingsmith Consulting Logo

Wingsmith Consulting Los Angeles, California
COMPUTER CONSULTANT (June 1988 - September 1991)

Macintosh programming and Macintosh and DOS consulting for small businesses and professionals. Trained clients in word processing, desktop publishing, spreadsheet and database software. Network construction; system administration; cable, card and software installation. Primary client (20+ hours/week/2 yrs.) ShowBiz Expo (Live Time, Inc., Hollywood).

Wrote Chime, a pioneering Macintosh sound utility. Listed as one of "200 Best Macintosh Products" MacUser (12/89). Reviewed as "Particularly Noteworthy" MacWorld (11/89). Current version 4.0.7 plays asynchronous sounds at time intervals including nautical chimes and traditional chimes. Available from the usual online sources and the Internet. Listed as 'Essential Utility' by Berkeley Macintosh Users Group (BMUG).

MacroDisk Logo

MacroDisk San Francisco, California
SOFTWARE PUBLISHER (October 1984 - June 1988)

Partnered with Alan Davis Drake to program MacroDisk. Founded the MacroDisk company. Achieved Certified Apple Developer status. Directed sales, distribution, promotion, and advertising while studying Computer Science at San Francisco State University. MacroDisk is a macro add on for Apple Writer, the Apple manufactured and distributed Apple // word processor. Written in 6502 Assembly Language, Applesoft Basic, and WPL, MacroDisk extends the power and simplicity of Apple Writer and provides a ProDOS shell for Apple Writer and up to 9 other programs. The complete manual for MacroDisk along with a picture of its unique keyboard template can be found here.