Wingsmith Consulting

Here I am endorsing CE Software's QuickMail
(as seen in MacWeek, MacWorld,MacUser, Publish and others).

Computer Skills

Systems administration for Mac, PC, and Unix
Network design, construction and management
Knowledge of routers, bridges, gateways and protocols
Designer of client/server file and database solutions
Internet communications specialist
Webmaster - HTML, Javascript, CSS, Perl, PHP
Internet applications administration
Macintosh programming
Knowledge of Macintosh Toolbox
ISP Customer Technical Support
Technical support specialist for PC and Macintosh
Technical training and teaching
Personal communication skills
Knowledge of personal computer industry


Work History

Wingsmith Consulting Logo

Wingsmith Consulting Los Angeles, California
CONSULTANT (January 2000 - Present)

Technical Support: Onsite consulting at client's home or office. Troubleshoot and repair PC/Mac hardware, software, and network problems. Recommend PC/Mac hardware and software purchases. Set up computer systems, printers, scanners, networks and Internet connectivity. Install system software, business applications, graphic applications, and databases. Establish software settings, set up Internet and email preferences, build small 10/100 Ethernet networks, configure ADSL routers, and perform backups. Train clients on general computer use, Internet applications, and power user tips and tricks.

Web Developer: Web design and coding for private and corporate clients. Conceive original website designs as well as designs derived from company logos and advertising. Conceptualize overall theme, design appropriate GIF/JPEG/PNG graphics and animated GIFs using Photoshop and Fireworks, implement interactive elements using Javascript and DHTML, and design animation using MacroMedia Flash. Write CGI scripts to gather feedback and customer information for listservers. Maintain website content for currency to encourage repeat visits. Skills: HTML 4 (including DHTML, HDML, and XHTML), Javascript, CSS, XML, and CGI (using PERL and PHP/mySQL), MacroMedia Dreamweaver.

MetaWire, Hollywood, California

Technical support, customer sales and implementation including router configuration for high speed internet access: ISDN, Frame Relay, T1 and T3. MetaWire exclusively provides the entertainment industry with gauranteed bandwidth. MetaWire specializes in high speed connectivity and full-service internet hosting, security and discretion for a very demanding professional community.

CyberStudios, Culver City, California
MIS DIRECTOR (10/96 - 10/97)

Technical direction of internet content production company specializing in themed merchandising sites. Systems support for mixed platform environment. Technical input in development and marketing proposals. Technical assessment of independent web developers. Mangement of network resources.

The Hollywood Reporter, Los Angeles, California
MIS DIRECTOR (4/96 -10/96)

Responsible for supporting over 250 PC & Mac workstations for a variety of publications of the BPI Communications Inc. group, including The Hollywood Reporter, Billboard, Ad Week, Music City News, etc. Established first MIS department for the company and hired support personnel. Managed transition from Atex advertising system to Mac based Baseview publishing system. Managed web site development and data archives for website. Revised network administration procedures and backup policies. Worked with MIS personnel at BPI in New York on six city corporate frame relay WAN project.

The American Film Institute, Los Angeles, California

Web site and Internet server administrator. Network administrator. Construction of 10T ethernet and localtalk zones for over 200 Macintosh computers at multiple sites; file and database servers; Apple, Cisco and other routers and repeaters; T1 line for Pac Bell Media Park network; plus Wintel and SGI platforms. Technical director of AFI Apple Lab. Technical support for staff, faculty and students. Campus Apple Representative for sales and support of Apple product. Responsible for ordering, servicing, supporting and installing networks, computers, hard drives and software. Set up QuickMail e-mail gateways. Taught classes on Macintosh use. Recipient of NSF grant for construction of the AFI internet domain.

MicroProse, formerly Spectrum HoloByte, Inc., Alameda, California

Technical support for a variety of entertainment software products including Falcon, Falcon 3.0, Tetris, Welltris, Super Tetris, Operation: Fighting Tiger, Falcon, Falcon Mission Disks, Wordtris, Flight of the Intruder, Stunt Driver, Vette!, and Faces. Platforms supported include DOS, PS/2, Amiga, Atari, and Macintosh. Senior Macintosh support expert for the company. Sysop for Spectrum HoloByte on the America Online service. Specialist in hardware and software incompatibility and memory management issues. Software quality assurance tester for several products.

Wingsmith Productions, Los Angeles, California

Macintosh programming and Macintosh and DOS consulting for small businesses and professionals. Training in word processing, desktop publishing, spreadsheet and database software. Network construction; system administration; cable, card and software installation. Primary client (20+ hours/week/2 yrs.) ShowBiz Expo (Live Time, Inc., Hollywood).

Wrote Chime, a pioneering Macintosh freeware sound utility. Listed as one of "200 Best Macintosh Products" MacUser (12/89). Reviewed as "Particularly Noteworthy" MacWorld (11/89). Current version 4.0.7 plays asynchronous sounds at time intervals including nautical chimes and traditional chimes. Available from the usual online sources and the internet. Listed as 'Essential Utility' by Berkeley Macintosh Users Group (BMUG).

MacroDisk, San Francisco, California

Led the programming development team of the MacroDisk product. Founded the MacroDisk company. Achieved Certified Apple Developer status. Directed sales, distribution, promotion, and advertising while studying Computer Science at San Francisco State University.

MacroDisk is a macro add on for Apple Writer, the Apple manufactured and distributed Apple // word processor. Written in 6502 Assembly Language, Applesoft Basic, and WPL, MacroDisk extends the power and simplicity of Apple Writer and provides a ProDOS shell for Apple Writer and up to 9 other programs.



Computer Science Major 1986-88
San Francisco State University

Bachelor of Arts degree, English, June 1976
Occidental College, Los Angeles, California

References available upon request.

Contact Information

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