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MacroDisk is the only product available for Apple Writer that allows block movement of blocks of any size. Unenhanced Apple Writer limits block movement to blocks of 1,024 characters or less (using the [X] command). MacroDisk not only allows blocks of any size to be moved but also adds several important new block management commands, the sum total of which make MacroDisk block movement one of the most powerful features available on any word processor. MacroDisk block movement commands include:

•Embedded beginning and ending markers
•Copy block to cursor position
•Copy block to the end of another file on disk
•Load a previously marked block from a file on disk
•Initiate deletion of original block


An unlimited number of beginning and ending block markers can be set in a document. Not only are block markers used for block movement but a block marker can be used as a placemarker in a document.

There are two types of block markers: start markers and end markers. Here are some examples of how these markers look in a document:

Start Markers


End Markers


A block start marker points to the right, in the direction of the first character of the block, and an end marker points to the left, to the last character of the block.

To use a marker as a placemarker in a document, use the open-apple-3 command (Set Block Start Marker). Enter a distinguishing character for the marker and press return. As long as different characters are used for the block markers, the number of placemarkers in a document is unlimited.

The open-apple-# command (Find Beginning Marker) instructs Apple Writer to begin its search of every block start marker in a file. It starts at the beginning of the file and works down. If the placemarker you are looking for does not appear, press return and a further search will begin. When you find the right marker, press the Space Bar to continue.

TO MARK A BLOCK open-apple-3 and open-apple-4

Mark the beginning of a block with the open-apple-3 command. At the command prompt enter any alphanumeric character(s) you wish. Even though you can also use non-alphanumeric characters to mark a block, you will find that blocks can be more easily remembered if you stick with single letters, numbers or short words. For example, a block of text describing zebras could be marked with the characters 'zeb' to produce a -zeb-> and <-zeb- set of block markers. Consecutively numbered blocks are also easy to keep track off.

Mark the end of the block by using the open-apple-4 command. Notice that the start and end markers must be consistent. Be sure to enter the same character(s) for the block end marker as you do for the block start marker.

TO COPY A BLOCK open-apple-5

Place the cursor where you want the marked block to be copied to. Enter open-apple-5. The command will prompt you for a block #. Enter the character(s) you previously entered as block markers and press return. The block will now be in two places, its original location and the new location. The original block can be identified by the fact that its start and end markers will still be in place. The new block will not have any markers. The original block can be copied as many times as necessary.


To delete the original block, enter open-apple-^. The cursor's position in the file will not affect this command. The beginning block marker will be found and the block will be separated from the text before it by a carriage return, then the ending marker will be found and the deleting process will begin. If you have marked a block of text that is contained within a paragraph or less, the whole paragraph will be automatically deleted. If the block is larger, continue to enter control-x until the start marker is deleted.


Enter open-apple-% and at the prompt enter the character(s) you used to mark the block and then press return. At the next prompt enter the destination file's complete pathname and press return. The block will be copied to the end of the disk file.

Since the copied block retains its markers, it can be easily copied from the disk file to a document in memory.


This block movement command provides two methods for loading a block of text from a disk file. Place the cursor at the exact spot in your document where you want the block to be loaded to. Enter open-apple-$ and the default directory will be displayed. At the 'Load block from file:' prompt, enter the filename of the file that contains the block you want to load. Enter the complete pathname if the file is located on a directory other than the default directory. When you press return you will see:

Enter 'b' for Marked Block

Or Begin with:

You can load a marked block from the disk file, or you can enter a few words or characters that identify the beginning of the portion of text you want to load.

To load a marked block, enter a lowercase 'b'. You will be greeted by an additional prompt:

Block #:

Enter the character(s) that mark the block and press return. The selected block will be loaded into memory at the cursor position.

To load an unmarked block, enter a group of words or characters to identify the beginning of the text you want to load. At the prompt:

End with:

Enter a unique group of words or characters to identify the end of the section of text you want to load and then press return. Another prompt will appear:

Correct? y/n:

All of the information you have entered so far will be displayed on the screen. If the information is correct, answer with a 'y' and the block will be loaded to the cursor position. A 'n' answer will allow you to reenter the information.