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Welcome to MACRODISK, the ProDOS Apple Writer Enhancement. We're sure you'll have as much fun using MacroDisk as we had in creating it.

Before you begin, make a backup copy of the MacroDisk program disk. The disk is not copy protected. Make your backup copy with two single-sided diskettes or a single flippy (double-notched) diskette.

MacroDisk greatly expands the capabilities of Apple Writer. It is the logical fulfillment of the great potential that designer Paul Lutus built into the Apple Writer program. MacroDisk enhances Apple Writer in several important ways: it reduces the number of keystrokes required to access a standard Apple Writer command, it simplifies the Apple Writer command structure, and it adds several new capabilities.

You should already be familiar with ProDOS based Apple Writer. If you are not, we highly recommend that you familiarize yourself with the standard Apple Writer commands before using MacroDisk.

If you need assistance, our staff is on hand to provide registered MacroDisk owners with a full range of support services. Not only will we gladly answer questions about MacroDisk but we will try to answer any questions you may have about Apple Writer and WPL as well.



Installation of MacroDisk is a completely automatic procedure. The enclosed diskette is used to create the MacroDisk program. It will install the MacroDisk files, along with a copy of your Apple Writer system file, onto a formatted diskette or hard drive. The enclosed diskette is not a copy of the MacroDisk program but rather an installation program that creates a customized version of MacroDisk for your system.

Begin by formatting the required amount of blank disk space and leaving the disk in a drive. If you plan to install MacroDisk to a hard disk or a Unidisk 3.5, make certain that there is enough space still available on the disk, and if you plan to install MacroDisk to a subdirectory on your hard disk or UniDisk 3.5, make sure that the subdirectory is already in existence.

Drive Type Disk Sides or Space Required

5.25" 1 Side
5.25" 2 Sides
Hard disk or 3.5 Unidisk 300 Blocks
Hard disk or 3.5 Unidisk 420 Blocks

There are 8 possible MacroDisk configurations designed to take maximum advantage of any peripherals your Apple may have. As you can see, if you have a RAM disk, the size of your installed MacroDisk will almost double in size. For this reason, it is a good idea to use the largest size disk available for your system when creating your MacroDisk.

Name the disk something that you will easily remember. This name will not be changed by the installation procedure. If you are using two diskettes, you will not need to remember the name of the second diskette as MacroDisk will name this disk by itself.

Boot the /Md.Create disk and answer and then verify your answers to the questions presented. If your printer type is not included in the printer menu, then select Diablo 630 if you have a daisywheel printer or Epson MX if you have a dot matrix printer. If later you discover that these printer codes do not work correctly, see 'Installing a Custom Printer' on page 11.

You will be asked to insert your /aw2master disk into a drive so that your Apple Writer program system files can be copied to MacroDisk. If your Apple Writer programs have already been transferred to a different directory (or subdirectory) than /aw2master you will be given an opportunity to enter the new location.

If you ever change the peripherals of your computer, such as buying a clock card, a hard drive, or a RAM disk, then you should rerun the /Md.Create program and reconfigure a new MacroDisk for your new system.


The enclosed keyboard template is a training aid to help acquaint you with the keys necessary to invoke MacroDisk commands.

Please note that one of the key commands will be different if your system contains a RAM disk. The open-apple-+ command will not 'Catalog Volume in Drive 1' as it states on the template. A more useful command is automatically inserted here during installation: 'Prefix Ram Card Slot and Drive'.

Also note that five late additions, the macros open-apple-Z, open-apple-z, open-apple-;, open-apple-: and open-apple-' are not shown on the template although they are described in full in the manual.