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This command is a true toggle – an 'on and off' switch for the carriage return display. Although the Additional Functions Menu in Apple Writer calls option 'G' a 'toggle' this is a misnomer since the user must first access the option through a menu. The open-apple-esc command provides a true on-off toggle of the return key indicators.

Before printing a document or sending it over a modem, always check the carriage returns before processing the file. Some additional commands for telecommunications are 'Printing a File to Disk' described on page 9, the open-apple-x command on page 19, and the open-apple-[o] command on page 20.

WORD COUNTER open-apple-[W]

WARNING: This program erases the document in memory so be certain to use it only for documents that have already been saved to disk!

This program counts the number of words in a file. It differs from the original Apple word counting program present on /aw2master in that it gives you a choice of counting the document in memory or of counting a file on disk. Choosing a disk file will automatically load that file into memory.

The MacroDisk word counting program gives a more accurate count than the Apple program because it does not count embedded print commands. And, unlike the Apple program, it also separates words joined by an underline, and it counts hyphenated words as one word.

Note: Any WPL word counting program counts very slowly and should not be used unless no other alternative is available.

SETTING AND CLEARING TABS open-apple-t open-apple-T

Enter open-apple-t for a new tab at the cursor position. Open-apple-T clears a tab at the cursor position. For other tab operations, use the standard [T] Apple Writer command.


To center a line of text on a printed document, set the Data Line Arrow to the right > and enter open-apple-V. The following embedded printer commands will appear:



The cursor will be placed in the blank area between the .cj and the .lj printer commands, ready for your input. When the line (or lines) you enter are printed, they will be center justified and the text that follows will be left justified.

SPLIT SCREEN open-apple-[Y]

MacroDisk macros provide quick access to the split screen commands:

Split screen on:open-apple-[Y]
Split screen off:open-apple-Y
Split screen switch:    open-apple-y

The split screen displays two different sections of the same document. If you wish to view two different sections of two different documents, you must load one document onto the end of the other. The split screen switch command switches the cursor from one screen to the other. Remember that when you save a document that is in the split screen mode, you will be saving the entire document, or documents, plus any changes you have made. This can cause confusion if you have loaded the same document twice in order to look at how changes will affect a particular section of the document. When you save from the split screen mode, the changes will be saved, not the original text.

A special feature of Apple Writer's split screen mode allows you to see what you have in memory while you are viewing a file that is on disk. See page 97 of the Apple Writer Manual.


To indent paragraphs from the right and left margins set the cursor at the left margin of the screen, switch the Data Line Arrow to face right > and enter open-apple-[. This embeds the printer commands .lm+5 .rm-5, deducting five spaces from the right margin and adding five spaces to the left margin. Use the open-apple-[ command again to indent another five spaces. To reverse the settings, use the open-apple-] command to enlarge the indentation by five spaces on either side.


To create a hanging paragraph, set the Data Line Arrow to the right > and place the cursor on a blank line on the extreme left of the screen. Then enter open-apple-{. To return to the original printing format, enter open-apple-}.

CURSOR MOVEMENT COMMANDS open-apple-W open-apple-w open-apple-x

Cursor movement commands help text editing by allowing quick movement from one sentence or paragraph to another. To use MacroDisk cursor movement commands, set the Data Line Arrow in the direction you want to go and then enter the appropriate command:

Open-apple-W will find the next period. This also means print commands beginning with a period. It also skips over sentences that end in exclamation points, question marks, etc.

Open-apple-w will find two spaces. This also means spaces between tabs. Normal business practice is to separate every sentence with two spaces.

Open-apple-x will find a carriage return.


This command is particularly useful for files downloaded off of telecommunication services such as CompuServe. It can also be a great timesaver if you need to delete the extra carriage returns at the end of every line of a file printed to disk. Press [B] to get to the beginning of the file and then enter open-apple-X. A search for carriage returns will begin. Pressing return will jump from carriage return to carriage return, but entering 'y' will delete the carriage return and a space will be inserted in its place. For another method of deleting unnecessary carriage returns, use the open-apple-[o] command (described below).

TEXT DELETER open-apple-[z]

This command deletes all text, regardless of size, from the cursor position to the end of the file. Set the Data Line Arrow facing to the right > before entering this command. Be careful – text deleted with open-apple-[z] can't be undeleted!

DELETE FORWARD open-apple-z open-apple-Z

Open-apple-z deletes one word forward, while open-apple-Z deletes two words forward. These commands delete text in front of the cursor, as opposed to the action of the delete key which deletes text behind the cursor. Use these commands with the Data Line Arrow facing to the right. If the Data Line Arrow is facing to the left, the commands will perform the delete correctly but the cursor position will be shifted backwards a few characters which could cause problems.

REFORMAT A FILE open-apple-[o]

Use this command to remove unnecessary carriage returns from a text file downloaded with a modem. When a text file is sent via a modem, a carriage return must appear at the right hand side of every line. To delete these carriage returns and retain only the carriage returns present at the end of paragraphs, use the open-apple-[o] command. Caution: This command deletes the carriage returns of list entries which may cause the list to bunch up into a single sentence. To remove only selected carriage returns, use the open-apple-[x] command.


Open-apple-[j] will reconnect a hyphenated word into the original word. Use this command to correct misplaced hyphenated words that occur because of a change in format.

EMBED CONTROL-V open-apple-v

This command will place an embedded Control-V at the cursor position. In addition to being necessary for placing Printer Control Codes directly into the glossary, use this command to embed Printer Control Codes directly into text.

BACKSPACE open-apple-h

The backspace control character (which appears on the screen as an inverse 'H') can be used to instruct a printer to backspace after printing a letter which requires an accent or tilde mark. After any character that needs an accent mark, use the open-apple-h command, type the accent mark, and then continue typing the rest of the word. When printing, the printer will back up, print the accent mark above the letter, and then continue.