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Open-apple-2 gives immediate access to the Print/Program Commands Menu instead of typing control-p, shift-/, return.


Open-apple-' restores the default Print/Program Commands instantly, ideal for a quick return to normal screen format after printing. Follow with the Adjust Display Margins command control-a. Note: Default commands are those in place when Apple Writer is first started up.

PRINT open-apple-1

This option sends the document in memory directly to a printer in slot 1. The document will be printed according to the current Print/Program values as displayed with the open-apple-2 command.

Enter esc if you wish to stop printing. There may be a time lag after you enter esc depending on the size of your printer's buffer. If for any reason you need to stop printing instantly, enter control-reset. Warning: Be careful not to enter open-apple-control-reset. If you do, you will boot whatever disk is in the highest numbered slot and lose the document in memory!

If your printer card is in another slot (or port) besides 1, you should update this glossary command. At present the command as listed in Gloss.Sys reads:


If your printer card is in slot 4 for example, change this command to:


Note: characters enclosed in brackets [x] are control characters and will appear as a single inverse character (without the brackets) on your screen. Single brackets are bracket characters that must be entered on the keyboard. To learn other ways to update a glossary, see Appendix.B on /Md.Files.


Use this command to print a document to the screen. Apple Writer will format the document according to the current Print/Program values and any embedded formatting commands (lines beginning with a period) it may find. It will then print the results to the screen, giving a very realistic picture of how the document will look when it is printed on paper. Don't expect to see boldface print, condensed print, italics, expanded print or underlined text. These are features of your printer, not Apple Writer.

This option prints your document to the screen one page at a time. Enter control-s to halt scrolling and control-s (or any other key) to start scrolling again. Cancel printing at any time just as you would stop your printer – by pressing the esc key. A '(Press RETURN)' message will eventually appear to allow you to go back to the text entry mode. The cursor will be located in the exact spot where you stopped the printing process. Since you will rarely find your cursor where you left it before using this command, it might be helpful to use the open-apple-3 command to leave a marker so you can find your way back afterwards. (The open-apple-3 and the open-apple-4 commands are described in more detail on page 14).

When screen preview is finished, or you press the esc key, the open-apple-! command automatically resets the Print Destination to slot 1 and turns off single page printing. If your printer card is in a different slot, be certain to reset the Print/Program values before continuing.


This option prints a document to disk. While it ignores any embedded printer control commands, it does put carriage returns at the end of every line and follows all print formatting commands such as margin settings, top and bottom margins, top and bottom lines, etc. This is an excellent aid for telecomputing, for sending a document to someone who does not own Apple Writer, or for sending preformatted manuscripts to a typesetter. AppleWorks, for example, can load a file prepared in this way directly into memory and display the file without any problems.

To use this option to prepare a file for uploading through a modem, set 'PL' and 'PI' in the Print/Programs menu (open-apple-2) to some number greater than the file's length. This will prevent page breaks and provide one long continuous file for transmission.

When you enter open-apple-@ you will get a message at the top of your screen 'Enter File Name :'. Enter the name you would like to give this file, or the full pathname if it is destined for a disk other than your default disk. Do not make the mistake of giving it the same name as the original file or the original file will be formatted with carriage returns at the end of every line, something you probably do not want. (For a remedy to that problem, try the open-apple-[o] command described on page 20).

Important: The Print Destination is not reset to slot 1 after a file is formatted with this command. Always reset the Print Destination after using this option unless you intend to continue to print to disk.


This menu displays printer commands available from your particular printer such as boldface, condensed print, underlining, etc. The menu displays the command delimiters (the letter pressed in combination with the open-apple key) that place the printer command into the document at the cursor position. To the right of the command delimiter is a representation of what the embedded printer command will look like when it is in place in the document. Note that embedded printer commands usually occur in pairs: one to turn the feature on and another to turn the feature off. These pairs are usually an upper-case and lower-case letter combination to help you remember them.


The menu for this program lists three options:

1. Print several files as one document

2. Print several files in succession as separate documents

3. Print the same document repeatedly a select number of times

In Apple Writer you have to break up documents longer than 46,845 characters into separate parts. You can print the separate parts as one long, continuous document by using the first option on the menu. Simply enter the file names at the appropriate prompt.

The second option is similar to the first, except that each separate file prints as a separate file. Each new file starts printing with page one as the page number. This option is a time saver if you have a great deal of printing to do but do not want to sit around watching the printer. Simply enter the filenames you want printed and let your computer do the work.

The third option prints the file in memory over and over again a select number of times.

FORMATTING GUIDE open-apple-[f]

This program guides the user through a series of questions which set and explain the functions of each command listed in the Print/Program menu. The resulting set of print values can be used to print a document or they can be saved as a print value file by using the open-apple-[p] command.


If you have a different printer than those listed in the installation program, or you have two printers, or you wish to change or expand the command listing, there are several ways of configuring MacroDisk so that it can use the full capabilities of your particular printer setup.

The easiest way to install a single custom printer is to use the open-apple-[g] Glossary Management Program number 6. The Glossary Management programs are accessed by typing open-apple-[g] at the keyboard. Program 6 is a self-prompting WPL program that asks you to enter embedded printer codes for functions such as boldface, underline, etc. and then writes the new codes directly to the standard MacroDisk glossary. When the program asks you for the name of the glossary, enter 'Gloss.Sys'. Enter your printer's codes exactly as they appear in your printer manual. Control characters can be typed directly from the keyboard. As you use the program, have a pencil and paper handy so that you can write down the single letter delimiters for each new printer code. The delimiters are shown bracketed by a pair of dashes, as in -A-. When you create the Embedded Printer Command Menu, you will need to have a list of these delimiters. More on this in a moment...

Open-apple-[g] Program 7 is an all purpose glossary modification program that will not only write new printer codes to a glossary but any other glossary command changes as well. If you use Program 7 to alter Gloss.Sys, the standard MacroDisk glossary, remember that printer codes can have as delimiters any upper- or lower-case letters except for T,t,V,v,W,w,X,x,Y,y or Z,z. Again, control characters can be typed directly from the keyboard. Program 7, however, does not automatically bracket printer control codes with a pair of control-v's as does Program 6 so be sure that if you use Program 7 that you bracket each printer code with a pair of visible control-v's.

After using Glossary Management Program 6 or 7, be sure to use open-apple-[g] Program 8 to automatically update the Embedded Printer Command Menu to include your new printer codes. This program is self-prompting and allows for a maximum of two printers to be listed in the menu. Be sure to have a list of your printer code command delimiters.

Another, and perhaps the more interesting way to configure MacroDisk for your printer is to do it manually by loading Gloss.Sys into text memory and using the open-apple-v (Insert control-v) command to bracket your printer codes at the selected delimiter. This method allows you the maximum amount of control since you can pick and choose between any available delimiter for your new printer codes. The open-apple-[e] Embedded Printer Command Menu can likewise be altered by loading it into memory and entering your new codes directly.

For more information on these programs, refer to Appendix B. If you have any problems configuring your printer for MacroDisk, please notify us.