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AUTO-SAVE open-apple-6

Auto Save and Backup automatically saves a file in memory to two locations: its original location on disk and a backup copy on the same disk or on a backup disk. When you enter open-apple-6 the Auto Save and Backup menu pops up:


Working file:
Backup file :

'c' = Change
's' = Save


To enter a Working and Backup file pathname, select 'c' and you will be asked to enter each pathname. Remember that the files can be located on the same disk or on different disks. Once you have entered a Working file pathname or Backup file pathname, these names should remain in memory and be listed on the open-apple-6 screen the next time you use the Auto Save feature. A few WPL programs, if used after the Auto Save command, will erase or alter the names in memory. If this should happen, simply re-enter them the next time you use the Auto Save feature.

If you prefer saving both your file and its backup onto the same disk, enter the character 'b' (for 'backup') at the prompt for the Backup file pathname and press return. Be sure to limit the Working filename to twelve characters or less because the characters '.bu' are automatically added to the end of the name to make up a new Backup file pathname.

After selecting 's' for Save, the existing Backup file will be unlocked. If either of the files is not located at the specified pathname a ProDOS error message 'File Not Found' will appear. Do not worry about this message. It merely indicates that the WPL program was unable to unlock the file (since it wasn't there!). Press return and the file will be saved under the specified pathname. After the file is saved it will also be locked. The process is repeated for the Working file.

Notice that the Backup file is saved first, then the Working file. You can stop
the program during the saving of the Backup file by entering control-reset. The screen will go blank for a moment and you will return to the text entry mode. The original file will be untouched.

Warning: Check memory contents before using this option! If there is no document in memory when you use this option, not only will your original file on disk be replaced by an empty file, but your backup file will suffer the same fate.

After you enter the name of your file and backup file the first time you use this command, all subsequent saves are as simple as this:

Keep your file disk in its drive
Insert your backup disk in another drive
Enter open-apple-6
Enter 's' then return

FORM LETTER open-apple-[l]

The open-apple-[l] command loads a sample form letter into memory. Customize the letter to your own specifications and then save it back to disk for future use.

CLOCK open-apple-[c]

This program contains two elements: the WPL program Clock and the subdirectory Now.Is.Now. Clock creates the subdirectory Now.Is.Now and then displays part of the subdirectory heading containing the date and time information.

There are other WPL clock programs available for MacroDisk, any one of which can be used to respond to the open-apple-[c] command. They are located in the WPL.Extras subdirectory of /Md.Files. To experiment, try swapping one of them for the Clock program on your copy of MacroDisk.

DATE open-apple-;

This command places the date in standard format (January 1, 1988) at the cursor position, ideal for letter writing.

TEXT CLOCK open-apple-:

Text Clock date stamps your documents by printing the current date and time directly into the text. This command is handy if you need to keep time records
of your word processing work. The current date and time will be printed at the cursor position and saved along with the rest of your file.

TEXT FILE MOVER open-apple-[x]

This program can transfer files from one disk to another much faster than the ProDOS Users Disk's Filer program. Begin by entering the source prefix and then the destination prefix. You can enter a 'V' or 'v' for a Volumes on Line display before entering the prefixes. All prefixes are displayed throughout the transfer process. Type in the file's name when prompted and the transfer will take place.

Other options: Enter 'C' or 'c' to Change the source or destination prefixes.
Enter 'D' or 'd' to view a Directory. You will be prompted for either a ProDOS pathname or Slot and Drive for the Directory. Enter 'Q' or 'q' to Quit.


There are two options available, 1. Create a Dust Cover Jacket, and 2. Catalog all files on a disk, including files in subdirectories.

Dust Cover Jacket: You can create a dust cover jacket for each of your disks that contains the catalog of that disk. You will need a printer and a permanent file labeled 'Master.Catalog'. It can be on any disk, but be sure of the file's full pathname before you begin. If you do not have a printer, this program can still be of great service to you by keeping track of the contents of your disks as they change from one period of time to the next.

To use the program, enter the full pathname of the directory you would like to copy, or enter 's' to check out the default directory for any subdirectories. You will then be asked to enter today's date. If the volume or subdirectory's name and created date are good enough for you (they are already part of the directory heading), then don't bother to enter anything, just press return. You may want to enter a new date to remind yourself of when this particular 'version' of the directory was printed. The directory heading will look something like this:

=== Directory: DISK == Modified: 04/01/85 == Created: 09/14/84 19:17 ===

Save the directory to the Master Catalog file. If you forgot to put a Master Catalog on one of your disks, this program will do it for you. If you already have such a file on the disk, ProDOS is smart enough to add this directory to it, without harming any other directories you might already have stored there.

The print option uses the condensed print mode of your printer so the catalog will fit on your disk's dust cover jacket. The program uses the condensed print code for Epson compatible printers. If you have a different printer, load the program /AW2Master/WPL/Catman into memory, locate the printer command and replace it with the printer command that activates your own printer's condensed printing mode.

Catalog All Files: This option will provide you with a complete catalog of every file on a disk, including those files normally hidden beneath subdirectory headings. You will be asked whether you would like to see the complete catalog in its normal Apple Writer format, with dates, file length, etc., or if you would like to see the catalog by filename only. This catalog feature will display each group of files in order, by directory and subdirectory. Subdirectories within subdirectories will not be displayed. You can add the resulting listings to your Master Catalog file.


On the subdirectory WPL.Extras on /Md.Files/Appendix.B are three utility programs that reformat WPL programs. 'Replace Control' replaces the control characters in a WPL program with printable representations, allowing the program to be printed or sent via a modem. 'Insert Control' replaces the printable representations with the original control characters. 'WPL To Basic' converts a WPL program into a Basic program which will recreate the WPL program when run. Each of these programs is self prompting.

GLOSSARY, PRINT & TAB LIBRARIES open-apple-[g] open-apple-[p] open-apple-[t]

MacroDisk maintains separate libraries for glossary, print and tab files. The commands that call them up are:

Glossary    open-apple-[g]
Print open-apple-[p]
Tab open-apple-[t]

They each work in a similar way. All glossary files are stored in a glossary directory, tab files in a tab file directory and print files in a print file directory. The tab and print file menus allow you to save and load tab and print value files that you create while using Apple Writer. The glossary menu not only lets you save and load glossary files, but will also allow you to change and update glossarys that are already stored on disk. For complete details on how to update or create personalized glossaries, see the Glossaries section of Appendix.B.

The open-apple-[p] and open-apple-[t] options allow you to load and save print value files and tab files. Remember that with these filetypes you will be instructed not to enter the suffix (.prt and .tab respectively) that appears after the filename in the catalog. Apple Writer adds these suffixes automatically. MacroDisk automatically locks files saved with these options. For this reason, you will be asked if you want to unlock the file in question before proceeding.

APPLE WRITER HELP SCREENS open-apple-[q] open-apple-?

The open-apple-[q] command or the open-apple-? command will activate the Apple Writer Help Screen menu. The menu will then instruct you to insert your /AW2Master disk in order to access a particular help screen. Because of the tremendous amount of space the help screens take up on a disk, they are not present on your copy of MacroDisk. You have the option, of course, of making a new copy of MacroDisk with enough room to copy the help screens from your /AW2Master disk to your new copy of MacroDisk.