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Apple Writer ProDOS Commands are now available directly from the keyboard. Because MacroDisk configures the commands as function keys instead of hiding them in a menu, they are much easier to use.

Also, MacroDisk ProDOS commands clearly indicate which feature you are about to execute. For example, let's compare how MacroDisk handles the 'Lock A File' command in comparison with the standard Apple Writer '[O]c' command. Let's say that you're about to lock a file; however, you're not quite sure how the file-name is spelled so you enter a '?' to catalog the disk. Once the Apple Writer ProDOS command is finished cataloging, it gives no further indication of which ProDOS operation you're trying to accomplish. MacroDisk, on the other hand, will present you with an additional 'Lock File:' prompt. The MacroDisk '?' option works with these ProDOS commands: Lock, Unlock, Rename, Create a Subdirectory, Set Prefix, and Delete a File.

SET PREFIX open-apple-8 open-apple-9 open-apple-0

Open-apple-8 sets a specified volume or a subdirectory of a volume as the prefix volume. Open-apple-9 checks to see what disk is in Drive 1 and sets that disk as the prefix volume. In the same way, open-apple-0 (zero) checks to see what disk is in Drive 2 and sets that disk as the prefix volume.

CATALOG OPTIONS open-apple-= open-apple-+ open-apple-–

Open-apple-= catalogs the default directory. The default directory is the prefix directory or subdirectory. open-apple-+ catalogs the main directory in Drive 1. (RAM disk owners: open-apple-+ prefixes the RAM disk rather than cataloging Drive 1).

Open-apple-– (open-apple-dash) performs the same function as the Apple Writer '[L]?-return' command. It catalogs the default directory and then a '[L]oad :' prompt appears at the bottom of the screen. Be prepared to press the return key once or twice if you are looking through an exceptionally long directory. Enter the file name at the prompt and press return.

Note: All of the MacroDisk ProDOS commands are intricately linked to the Resident Master WPL program. If you enter one of these commands and receive a WPL 'Label Not Found' error message, then you need to use open-apple-[r] command to reinstall the Resident Master program.